3,2,1 Morning Ritual
⏰When your morning alarm buzzes, are you ready to face the day or hit snooze for 15 more minutes?
Studies show a productive day can start with a focused mind.
🗓️ Try this morning ritual for a week to hone in on your most successful self.
✍️ While you sip your fav bev, write...
3 things that you're proud of. They could be big things like leaving your bummer corporate job. Or small victories, like adding some berries to your breakfast yogurt. 😇
2 questions for your day. Maybe you're wondering how to ask your roommate to respect your WFH space. Or you want to know which item on your to-do list you'll knock out first. 🤔
1 actionable item. Start this sentence with "I will." For example, "I will work until 11:30, then eat lunch away from my desk."
Even if you're not a "journaling" person, these prompts will prime your brain for an awesome day.
💪You got this!