Aug 4, 20186 min read
It's the breakdown: Which Website builder is best?
So I've been meaning to write this for a While... I've been designing websites since...idk 2015. Since that time I've worked with 6...

Jul 7, 20181 min read
Introducing Style Spotlight: An original SSE Blog Series
Anyone in PR or marketing will tell you, a brand is so much more than the product. Beyond basic living essentials we are more likely to...

May 23, 20181 min read
Always Alyssa @sipshopeat
Read all about Alyssa's experience at SIP. SHOP. EAT! and how @thegildedstonecreations gifted her a beautiful necklace! READ MORE here!

Nov 26, 20172 min read
Business is tough. Why you should keep going anyway.
Let's face it, business is hard. I'm right there with you. At this very moment I'm sitting here wondering what I'm not doing (for my...

Nov 18, 20172 min read
Be Consistent.
Think about the times you were MOST successful in your life... you were probably consistent. I must admit... consistency is probably one...

Oct 12, 20171 min read
SIP. SHOP. EAT! at The Collective Market | Williamsburg {October 7, 2017} ...was amazeballs
Sorry if you missed the chance at having: Food! Style! and Drinks! at your fingertips. But, last Saturday's SIP. SHOP. EAT! in Brooklyn,...

Sep 20, 20175 min read
It always Seems Impossible... until it's done
I started SIP. SHOP. EAT! at The Collective Market about 3 months ago. Since that time we've sent over 1000 emails to potential vendors,...

Sep 12, 20171 min read
Designers Galore
Hello My lovelies! I’m beyond happy to be writing this post because this is my first collaboration!! I was invited out last Sunday to...